
Showing posts from November, 2020

Almost December...

In my 💛  I know we have had a challenging and unprecedented year! In my 💛  I feel we are rounding the corner to December which always brings joy (and it will this year too even though it will look different!) In my 💛  I wish I could see family and friends over gatherings! Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Sunday

Thai Chicken Curry Soup

  Thai Chicken Curry soup is a favorite dish to warm up and bring you joy during the week. Do you like your rice in your soup or on the side? Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Thursday

Jeans: Love them or Leave them

Transitioning into winter weather can be challenging with colder breezes and darker days. Putting on your favorite jeans after six months and when they still fit can bring joy! Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Tuesday

Homemade Chilli

Nothing says warm autumn day than a bowl of chilli. Making chilli is easy as you can empty your pantry of those cans of kidney beans, navy beans, and diced tomatoes. I used to buy the prepackaged chilli mix but now I can use spices from my cabinet to get the desired flavours. What could you whip up using your pantry items and would bring you joy? Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Sunday

Capturing the Perfect Sunset

As the days are getting shorter and darker it is hard to feel like you have fully experienced the daylight hours. I love going through my old pictures and reminiscing on the summer days and the beautiful sunsets. Where is your favorite place to capture the perfect sunset?  Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Thursday  

Little Book Libraries

I love walking by and looking through Little Book Libraries to see what everyone is reading! Sometimes you come across a book that you have read and hope the person enjoyed it as much as you did! Other times you come across new authors and genres! What book have you recently finished that brought you joy? Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Tuesday  

Pumpkin Cranberry Muffins

  In my 💛  I know I love trying new recipes like this one to make Pumpkin Cranberry muffins. In my 💛  I feel sharing your baking brings you joy! In my 💛  I wish I could capture the smell of my kitchen after my baking afternoons! Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Sunday


I feel pretty lucky and fortunate when I can catch the morning sunrise! It gives me a boost of energy to start the day. Where is your favorite place to catch the morning hues? Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Thursday

Lest We Forget

Growing up and reciting In Flanders Fields every Remembrance Day was a time to express gratitude and show appreciation for all veterans past and present and their hardships for the freedoms we enjoy today. Remembrance Day will look different today. Not being able to attend a public service or take part in a gathering. However, we all must take a moment of silence to mark the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month.  Tuesday

Glenbow Ranch Park

  In my 💛  I know I love exploring nature in all seasons! In my 💛  I feel enjoying the pathways and making memories will keep us going through the pandemic.  In my 💛  I wish I could do more to preserve the natural wonders of the planet for future generations! Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Sunday

Fallen Leaves

Watching leaves fall on a sunny, windy day is watching the season turn slowly. There is nothing more calming than to sit on a park bench and feel the breezy wind with the sun shining on you. My favorite pass time activity is to explore my local parks and neighborhoods. What activity brings you joy? Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Thursday

Song on the Radio

There is nothing like turning on the radio and hearing your favorite song! It is the picker me upper to start another day! What is your favorite go-to song that brings you joy? Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Tuesday

Here we come, November!

Thank goodness we can see the light to 2021! Starting the month of November, I am feeling hopeful and grateful for all that I have learned in 2020! Yes, I can wear a mask for hours on end! Yes, I can sanitize my hands as I enter and exit a room! Yes, I can wash my hands for 20 seconds even when they are cracking from all the dryness! We are all used to our "new" normal. In my 💛  I know we are all in this together! In my 💛  I feel I will never take gatherings and celebrations for granted! In my 💛  I wish I don't have to live through another global pandemic! Grab a jar and please join me on this journey to discover what brings you  everyday joy ! Sunday